Shopping Portal products and products featured at handmade by artists .com are from independent artisans, often through merchants committed to promoting high-quality artisan products. Click the tabs for merchant info and to see a sampling of their products. Heartful Village has an affiliate relationship with these merchants and earns a commission on sales of their products. Click merchant names below for descriptions and links to their handpicked products.
ABLE is a lifestyle brand focused on ending generational poverty through providing economic opportunity for women. To see all my handpicked handmade ABLE products, click here.
Amazon is the largest marketplace on the internet, selling pretty much anything and everything that can be sold online. And buried in that mass of mostly mass-produced stuff, there are lots of artisan wares to be found. To see all my handpicked handmade Amazon products, click here.
Etsy is a marketplace where people around the world connect, both online and offline, to make, sell and buy unique goods. There are a few products by Etsy artisans in the Shopping Portal. There are also a number of Etsy artisans, with affiliate links to their shops, in the Handmade Directory, where you may also find links to features and reviews of their products at the Heartful Blog. To see all handpicked Etsy products, click here.
Modern Artisans
Modern Artisans, based in North Carolina, offers products handcrafted by skilled contemporary American artists and craftsmen as an alternative to the mass-produced products found in most malls and gift stores. To see all handpicked Modern Artisans products, click here.
Novica is a Fair Trade organization based in California and dedicated to providing global artisans fair prices, no binding contracts, and the freedom to make a success of their craft by building a sustainable business. Novica customers are able to purchase unique high-value handmade products while they also help nurture and elevate the craft of global artisans. To see all handpicked Novica products, click here.
UncommonGoods is a New York based company offering creatively designed, high-quality merchandise at affordable prices. They place a premium on creativity and the expression of individuality, and have set out to create a business that makes uncommon goods accessible to everyone. To see all handpicked UncommonGoods, click here.