October Birthstone Jewelry: Opal and Pink Tourmaline

This handpicked collection of October birthstone jewelry includes selections of tourmaline and pink opal rings, earrings, charms, and necklaces, some with gold and some with silver settings. There is a wide range of prices, so there’s something for every budget.  Birthstone jewelry is a wonderful connection to our past. The practice of wearing gemstones to attune to their vibratory powers is ancient. And associating specific gemstones with birth months goes back over 2000 years and has evolved along several separate cultural paths. This collection of beautiful handmade birthstone jewelry is based on the familiar modern United States standard that was created in 1912 (and updated in 1952, 2002, and 2016): Garnet (January), Amethyst (February), Aquamarine, Bloodstone (March), Diamond (April), Emerald (May), Pearl, Moonstone (June), Ruby (July), Peridot (August), Sapphire (September), Opal, Pink Tourmaline (October), Citrine (November), Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite (December).  Click the birthstone links above, or month buttons below, to see the other collections of handpicked handmade birthstone jewelry.

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Showing all 2 results

  • Opal Teardrop Stud Earrings

    Opal Teardrop Stud Earrings

  • Pearl and pink opal earrings, ‘Sweet Perfection’
