Ceramic and Cast Stone Garden Plaques

I love the way simple ceramic garden plaques and cast stone garden plaques create a sense of mood and lend a bit of artistic flair to outdoor spaces. And, because they’re practically indestructible, you don’t have to bring them in over the winter. They can take heat, cold, wet, or dry weather and age according to the elements. The ceramic garden plaque at my front door is protected by eaves, so it has remained unchanged after years of use. But the cast stone garden plaques in my yard that have been exposed to the elements have developed their own character by developing mossy or lichen growths that have dried and regrown, creating an interesting surface. Maybe I should give them a good scrubbing now and again, but I don’t. I just let them be and become what they want.

All of these beautiful garden plaques are handmade in the USA. Some of them are cast stone and some are ceramic in American Craftsman style. They’re heavy and sturdy, but if you order a couple of them together (or anything that pushes your order up to $100), shipping is free.  So click here to browse this collection now.