Stained Glass Mobiles » Handmade Lookup

Photo of Stained Glass Mobiles

Stained Glass Mobiles

Artist: Jen Mitchell
Work Warner New Hampshire USA Website


I have been working with stained glass and creating mobiles since 1998. I have always been a great fan of mobiles – we had many in my home when I was a child. When my son was a toddler I had an opportunity to learn how to work with stained glass. I immediately wanted to create glass mobiles. It took a while to figure it out (mobiles require balancing) but I was able to do so and have been creating mobiles ever since. I also like to make flowers and small panels, as well as ornaments out of glass. I have created many mobiles over the past 11 years, and am so glad that so many people enjoy having them as part of their home decor.