Fair Trade Non-Profit Artisan Collective
Serrv is a nonprofit, fair trade organization dedicated to lifting disadvantaged artisans, farmers, and their families out of poverty.
Behind every basket, tunic, and necklace that we offer, you’ll find a story of positive change. A story of an empowered artisan or farmer who works in a safe environment, can send his or her children to school, and can save for the future with the reliable income he or she earns through fair trade.
We partner with 55 small-scale artisan/farmer organizations and cooperatives to bring you unique, handcrafted product collections. We emphasize the word “partnership” in our work because that’s really what these relationships are–we’ve created a system of creative collaboration built on mutual respect and trust, creating high-quality and well-designed items using sustainable materials and production techniques. Some of these partnerships have lasted for over 35 years!
In our world today, handcraft production is the second largest form of employment behind agriculture. Many small-scale artisans in developing countries lack access to markets for their products as well as business skills and tools needed to grow. Through our nonprofit mission and deep commitment to fair trade, we are dedicated to not only sell our partners’ products but to develop educational offerings and skill trainings, resources, and more to help grow sustainable businesses. Prepayments are always offered for orders, reasonable production timelines are agreed upon, and we provide grants so artisans can expand and provide more jobs in their communities. And of course, we pay a fair wage.