Maple Winds Farm » Handmade Lookup

Photo of Maple Winds Farm

Maple Winds Farm

Artist: Victoria Collins
Work Stanley New Mexico USA Website Heartful Blog


Hand-Spun/Hand-Dyed Yarn & Handwoven Socks

Let’s see, short & sweet? In 1984 I packed up my life and moved to the mountain. Threw everything on the ground and started over. I had 4 ewes, which were stolen, they, the thieves, left one lamb. So I started my flock, again. From Romney’s, Finns to the current ladies.

I remarried a couple of years later to someone who didn’t think I was totally crazy for living here. We struggled and survived the challenges. The farm is self staining as far as energy. There are no land lines of any kind. Solar and wind power have provided the power for 25 years. The expansion of cell service was a blessing. Internet from satellite is my main means of communication, and more dependable.