My name is Rudklow Patanaanunwong, but everyone calls me Aoy. I come from a warm family environment from Bangkok, though I am an only child. I hold Bachelor and Master Degrees in Economy from Northeastern University.
My intention after graduation was to work for the Bank of Thailand, but I changed my mind when I met my husband. We got married and I moved to Chiang Mai, where my husband has a silversmith workshop. I began to work there to help him.At first we only sold our silver jewelry Chiang Mai, then we began to receive orders from different places, some from abroad. I speak English, so we thought it a good idea to pursue a place in the international market, so we increased our collections to include more trendy designs.
I am very proud that we get to promote our silver jewelry in the international market. My goal for the future is that someday our silver jewelry will be well-known. In fact, I would love it if Chiang Mai silver arts became recognized internationally, just like any other designer brand from Italy.I would like to tell people worldwide that nowadays, craftsmanship is slowly being replaced by factory work and machines. At our workshop, we still work with our hands to craft our jewelry collections, because we believe it is our duty to preserve this ancient art form