Twink Beauty » Handmade Lookup

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Twink Beauty

Work Charlottesville Virginia USA Etsy Shop Website


Handmade Cosmetics

t.w.i.n.k., aka Two Women in Nature’s Knowledge. We are wives, mothers, and working women in addition to our partnership in t.w.i.n.k. …we’re busy, as you might imagine, but we love what we do so we keep at it!

t.w.i.n.k. arose out of the desire to give ourselves better consideration by quitting the use of chemically-based, questionably-sourced, and factory-made skin and body products (often containing a great deal of petroleum derivatives). We were tired of buying into a profit-driven system that couldn’t and would never care about the effects it has on the environment or the people who use and make its products – so we started making our own! It didn’t take long to realize that other women (and men, and babies too) shared our concerns and could benefit from our labor.

Karen and Rhiannon are the brains behind the beauty, and we individually hand-make every single one of the products in that we sell.